Cryptocurrency White Labels Vs Platform Ownerhsip

Entrepreneurs and investors who are looking to launch their own cryptocurrency exchange have an important consideration to make regarding the technology aspect of the business. In our view, there are two major avenues that business owners will face before launching their own cryptocurrency exchange. The first option is to lease the technology from an existing white label provider, while the second is to develop or build the exchange software.
We advise making a decision during the launch phase of your cryptocurrency exchange since any sudden change in the technology during later periods of growth will be difficult to manage. For this reason, it’s recommended that the technology aspect of the business is well planned out so that subsequent growth can scale as smoothly as possible.
MT4/MT5 Development Server Leasing

Atomiq Software offers its clients the ability to temporarily lease an MT4 and MT5 development server for testing & development purposes.
In addition to our MT4/MT5 Administrator & Server management services, we are now offering the ability to temporarily lease an MT4 or MT5 development server. This can be used for short term project development, platform coding, and system testing.
How Our Swap Updater Reduces Costs

Updating swap values is a tedious process, especially for brokers managing multiple servers. Even in cases where only a single server needs to be updated, one must pay special attention to each entry: all it takes is a slight keystroke error and massive damage can be caused.
Consider that an incorrect value entry or wrong setting could easily credit thousands of dollars into an account, or more dangerously initiate a false stopout. The repercussions to a broker’s reputation as well as financial costs should not be underestimated. So how does our swap changer help to reduce these type of risks?
Everything Brokers Need to Know About Hosting

Before we dive too deep, it’s helpful to first clarify the subject of today’s article. Hosting refers to the physical computer or machine that the licensed brokerage software will run from.
The majority of forex brokers work with a hosting firm, which actually raises a point we were recently asked about by one of our clients. Why not do this in house vs a cloud hosting solution? Our response is …
MT5 Swap Updater

Updating swaps manually is a time consuming process, especially for brokers working with a large quantity of symbols. In many cases regulatory rules require that swaps are updated daily, which means the work needs to be done in some way, shape, or form.
When a large number of data must be entered by hand on a daily basis, the chance for error goes up significantly. Moreover, it’s not an efficient use of time when the process can be automated.

What is a forex PAMM / MAM account? This is a common question that we often receive from those new to the industry.
A Multi Account Managemet Tool, also known as a PAMM or MAM allows a forex broker to offer money management services to its client base. Introducing Brokers (IBs) are also able to use this service.
Liquidity Bridge Basics

Those new to the forex industry are often bombarded with a variety of terms that can appear intimidating at first glance: PSP, liquidity, pips, hedging, FIFO, swaps, cTrader and MT4 to name a few. Unlike other concepts, a bridge appears simple enough in name.
The functionality, however, can be quite advanced for those working with it for the first time. To help clear up some of the confusion, we’ll cover the basics in today’s article.
Forex & CFD Data Feed

A reliable real time datafeed is one of the cornerstone components of a broker’s technical set up.
Depending on the situation, a datafeed can be used as the primary pricing source, or serve as a backup to an existing provider. In either case, it’s important to work with a partner that has a long track record of success and a solid reputation.
Working with CFDs – A Client Case Study

From a technical standpoint, working with CFDs can often feel like the the proverbial square peg in the round hole. The biggest reason is that unlike forex, there is no standardization regarding lot sizes, margins, and leverage….
Server Hosting

Although it’s possible to physically host trading software in the office of your brokerage, it’s not advisable. For something as vital as the stability of your entire brokerage we highly recommended that the software is hosted in a dedicated environment….
Meta Trader 5 Web Terminal