Why Every Forex Broker Should Invest in Their Own Trading Technology

In the world of online forex & CFD trading, MetaQuotes currently reigns supreme as the defacto trading platform for FX brokers. Prior to the concept of white labels, brokers would have to invest in their own technology. Why was this the case? Going back 15 to 20 years, it was a very expensive undertaking to build a trading platform from scratch, making the white label idea more appealing.

Fast forward to 2021 and this is no longer the case. The barriers to entry in the FX technology space have rapidly fallen. Not only is it easier to build more complex software than it used to be, the space has expanded so there are more developers available who understand the market. While FX broker technology is by no means “cheap,” for the reasons mentioned, the price has dramatically fallen over the last 15 yeas.

For this reason, brokers should now seriously consider what was once too much of an obstacle: investing in their own technology. There are several advantages in having your own forex trading software. Not only does owning your own IP save a broker money down the road, there is a more simple reason. Rather than perpetually leasing something you’ll never own, investing in your own technology will boost the value of your brokerage and offer complete control over the business.

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Atomiq Software offers an amazing alternative platform to MT4/MT5. Contact us today to check out a demo.

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