MT4 Quote Monitor


A Backstop to Your Normal Monitoring System

There is nothing more damaging to a broker’s reputation than frozen prices. Because forex is a 24 hour industry, brokers must assume that clients in some part of the world are actively watching the market, and more importantly running EAs which are dependent upon a consistent quote stream. For this reason, it’s critical that a broker’s price feed is monitored around the clock; even a small disruption has the ability to significantly impact the reputation and ultimately bottom line of the broker. Our MT4 Quote Monitor is a tool which helps brokers stay alert of any disruption in price services. By serving as a 24 hour monitoring service of the MT4, it can provide an excellent backstop to a broker’s existing IT and monitoring set up. Considering the potential reputational and financial damage that even a small price out can have, this plugin is a worthwhile investment for any broker wishing to stay competitive.

How Does It Work?

Simply put, this plugin acts as a quote checker, constantly monitoring all symbols around the clock. Brokers have the ability to set specific criteria for alerts such as a timeout of 10 seconds, 1 minute, etc. Should prices fail to move, the plugin will automatically send email notifications to those on the notification list. In addition, it’s also possible to have alerts sent as an SMS as well. In addition to providing monitoring plugins which act as 24 hour quote checkers, Atomiq Software also offers MT4 server management and consultation services. To learn more about how our knowledge and expertise can assist your broker, contact us today.  
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