MT4 / MT5 Negative Balance Protection Plugin

The MT4 and MT5 Negative Balance Protection plugin offered by Atomiq Software serves as a crucial risk management tool, mitigating the potential downsides of a negative trader’s balance. This plugin is designed to bring the negative balance back to zero and promptly withdraw all credit facilities from the respective account. Specifically crafted to align with the regulations set forth by the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), this tool ensures compliance by preventing situations where a trader’s balance falls below zero. Key features include:

  1. Resetting the negative balance of the account to zero.
  2. Swift withdrawal of all credit facilities associated with that account.

By implementing this plugin, brokers can enhance risk management practices and adhere to regulatory requirements, fostering a secure trading environment for their clients. Connect with Atomiq Software to explore the comprehensive benefits of our Negative Balance Protection solution.

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